Friday, November 12, 2010


Nothing really changes much around here. My mother had a cataract removed last week. I took her to the doctor Wednesday. Everything is going fine. She should be able to drive on Sunday for church. My father still has his good days and his bad days. Tuesday he went to the old place to get something out of the basement and had to wait a while to catch his breath before going back up the stairs. My cousin's second oldest son has been helping them out around there. Thank goodness. He's a nice fella, only 18, and hasn't really done any of what they need done before. But he is learning some useful skills and picking up on it quickly. It helps me out because I don't have to try to do it all by myself on my days off. I asked my parents could I trade my sister for him, so I could have a younger brother.
Work is going great. I applied online for the manager's position. I got nice form email stating I wasn't a good match for the position. Not sure how they arrived at the decision, but whatever. I can only assume they want younger people who are willing to work more hours, with more responsiblity for less money. So I say let them find them and train them this close to Christmas. After the first of the year, I'm gonna start looking for a better paying job elsewhere in the mall. I'll take the same pay if the store hours aren't so screwed up.
I'm trying to finish up my Christmas shopping. Just a few more gifts left. I've lost another 5 pounds and so far have kept it off for a while. I still need to lose 15 more pounds and I'll be down to my old weight. I can also get into so more of my old clothes. Woohoo!
I have a fund raiser in Winston Salem coming up on Nov. 20th for The Children's Home. Being fortunate enough to have been adopted by such great, loving parents makes me feel for those who haven't found a forever home yet. It will also be a chance to see friends on that side of the state I rarely get to see.


Ray's Cowboy said...

First of all is your counsin cute??? If so you may want to stay kissing counsin instead of brothers. I am glad that he is helping out around the place.

On The Mang's Job...maybe because you have not been with the compnay for that long. I knwo you would make a fine Mang. You are almost finished with your Christmas shopping. Cangrats on that. (what you get me)Lol.

Congrats on loosing all of that wieght, I would llike to see pictures of you.

I hope youhave fun at the party. Hope youhave a great and wonderful time there.
Miss you,

Russ Manley said...

Well if it's not a match, better you know now than later. But meantime you have a paycheck and money in your pocket and a loving family around you - and choices; so it's all good Dave.

anne marie in philly said...

thanks for checking in with those of us in cyberspace!

do whatcha gotta do regarding the job front.

have a good weekend!

Lemuel said...

I'm glad you tried for the job, even if it did not pan out. Keep looking up.

Mind Of Mine said...

I really hate, when you apply for a job which in theory you have the experience for, and you get one of those generic 'No Thanks' responses which state you aren't what they were looking for. But with no reasons or constructive criticism.

Ur-spo said...

I enjoyed hearing all your updates.

And the child of your cousin is your first cousin, once removed.

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