Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Tease

I have a major test Thursday I've been

studying for, so posting may be light.

I wish he was my study partner!


Peter said...

Since you cut him short, we still have to guess he's an A+ down there.

Hope the test will turn out an A+ too!

Now can you show us the rest of the pix? Please!! [I know you almost never show frontal nudes]

Ray's Cowboy said...

I do not thinkyou would get allot of studying done here.

Ultra Dave said...

Sorry Peter, but that is the only pic I have of him! Wish there was more to look at!

Java said...

I'm pretty sure if he was your study partner you would not do well on the test. You might learn a lot, but I suspect that's not what is on the test.

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