Tuesday, October 28, 2008


After reading about so much disparity in vote casting and registration, I would suggest after this election cycle ends, that some much needed reforms take place. Every state should use the same type machine, one that leaves a paper trail.The machine suppliers should be thoroughly investigated to ensure impartiality and punished if not. All ballots should be standardized and understandable on a 9th grade level. Registration should be automatic, when you are a citizen 18 years of age or older. Proof of ID can be anything from utility bills, any form of picture ID or a passport and presented at the time of voting. Voter rolls could be done away with, since everyone would be eligible to vote. Every state would be required to offer early voting and provide adequate machines based on population in their precinct. One body of law to deal with elections should be from the federal level with states doing the enforcing. The same restrictions could still apply; felons, non citizens, tourist, etc. Everyone would be unaffiliated. If you want to be associated with a certain party then you could take an extra step to join the party of your choice by becoming involved in their process. This may be an oversimplification but shouldn't a basic right be simple and unquestionable? That's my two cents.

1 comment:

Rick said...

I couldn't agree with you more!

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