Saturday, May 22, 2010


I met you with tears in my eyes,
streaming down my cheeks,
because you called me friend,
because you spoke when no one else did,
because you listened when no one else did.
I meet you with tears in my eyes
because the of the happiness you bring,
because of the laughter you share,
because of the smile I can't contain when you're near.
I meet you with tears in my eyes
because you fill me with joy,
because you love me as I am,
because you complete me in so many ways.
I meet you as an equal
just as wanting,
just as lacking,
just as forgiving,
just as open.
I meet you with
open arms,
open heart.
I meet you
And you met me,
half way.


Ray's Cowboy said...

Very nice. thank youfor sharing this with us.

Ur-spo said...

I especially like the ending.

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