Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Settling In

Well, without the distraction/obsession of the Internet over the last couple of days, I have been a very busy man! I had the furnace looked at. It hadn't worked in the last 2 weeks. Turns out it was the breaker and the sequencer. Replaced both for $137.00 and runs like new. I almost forgot what warmth felt like!

I gave the house a much needed cleaning. Mostly because I didn't want repairmen ogling the mess while they were here. One was quite cute by the way.

I put up the Christmas tree. One day I may be able to post pictures again. We'll see how that turns out.

I helped my father build a 500 pound doghouse for a 12 pound dog. I have some pictures when that thingy is working again.

I have actually lost 10 pounds, somehow, since my last weigh in. I'm now at 195#! Yippee!!! Twenty more pounds and I'll be at my fighting weight again! Of course with the ill placement of Thanksgiving, I'll have to see if it creeps back up. But I'm hopeful. I figured I could drop at least ten pounds by cutting out my very high soda intake by substituting water and unsweetened ice tea. (This is the south after all).

I also glued my angel back together that I had mentioned here. I can't wait to show y'all the picture. It turned out great. You can't tell it has been repaired at all.

On a different note, my desktop system has lost it motherboard. For about $100-$150 more than the cost to repair it and I can replace it with a newer, more powerful model. It was my first. I'm very sad about it's passing. Thankfully, the laptop is somewhat functional at the moment. Also my DVD player has stopped working, and two lamps have shorts in the the switches. It is not a good month for electrical/electronics at the Ultra household. The stereo system still hasn't been replaced from when last year. Oh well, I'll worry about it when the new house is completed.

Another great thing. The research paper I dreaded on Ethical Hacking was finally completed and submitted. I scored 98 on it! Another woohoo! That keeps me above 94 in both of my classes this semester. I registered for the Spring semester and actually got all my needed classes and the schedule I wanted! That has never happened since I've been attending.

And last but not least, I want to thank all my readers and followers. Thanksgiving may come once a year, but I strive to do it everyday. Despite it all, there are many things to be grateful for, even when it doesn't seem very obvious. I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe holiday!


Java said...

Congratulations on lots of stuff! It's great that you lost 10 lbs! And you're so close to your goal. That's fantastic.

Congrats also on the grade! I know how good it feels to pull down a grade like that.

I hope your Thanksgiving is everything you hope it to be.

Ur-spo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you.
I enjoyed hearing all your news.

Russ Manley said...

98!!! You go, Dave! I knew you could do it. Glad you're back online, have a great turkey day.

anne marie in philly said...

happy thanksgiving, dave!

your life is coming together..what's next for you...perhaps a cute guy?

Ray's Cowboy said...

congrats on all that you do. You must be very proud. Pat yourself on the back for everything yo have done.
Hope you have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.

Lemuel said...

There's more that a bit of happy news in your post when all is said and done!

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