Friday, January 8, 2010

What's Your Plan?

As mentioned in an earlier post, I will have to complete a business plan for a major portion of my grade for one class. Long time ago, I did one for an art gallery. I've since tinkered with one for a nightclub, a jewelry store, a men's clothing store, a home decor store and one for a charitable organization. I could see myself doing all of them in real life. This assignment hasn't been discussed yet in class so there is time to decide, but knowing how involved they are, I'd like to start gathering information now. My question to my gentle readers is this; Which would you chose? Or would you suggest something different for me based on what you have gleaned from my blog? Just drop me a note in comments. It will be appreciated!


Java said...

OK, to be practical (what's the fun in that?) I suggest you go with the men's clothing store. On the other impractical hand, you should write a business plan for a gay bath house. Somewhere that gay men could go, a clean environment safe from prosecution and disease (as much as possible), to meet other like-minded fellows for companionship in whatever form that may take. With discrete off-street parking.

Ray's Cowboy said...

I was goingto say the same thing Jave did about clothing store, but I have to say I like his thought on the gay bath house. Maybe even a gay themed store like Nova in Dallas.
It is be interesting which you you pick.

witomski said... certainly have enough experience in home improvement....Joe

Russ Manley said...

All the ones you mentioned might be good. I will say this: most people would rather look at pictures than read. So whatever you end up choosing, be sure it's something you can work in a lot of visual images . . . and hey, even video and audio, ya know?

Dynamic rather than static would probly be a good idea. Not an explosion of images, but enough to make it intriguing, informative, and fun. That's my 2c.

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