Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Great Debate

While the debate rages on about gay marriage between those without a brain and those without backbone, it is nice to hear that Maine is moving toward marriage equality. Isn't that a nice word? Equality. Not separate but equal. I know it will happen. It is inevitable. It will be a slow process but it will come as we wait for each little pocket of Americana to wake from their religious stupor and do what is right for all American citizens. I honestly believe that the eyes of many Americans have now been opened with the passage of Prop 8. They now know the danger that religious forces pose. They have seen the ugly side, pass the nativity displays and the cake walks. Every American with a brain and a grasp of what true freedom means will not allow it to happen again. It is up to the LGBT community to keep the truth out there. To put faces with the movement, real people, real families. We still should have ads on the air across the country as well as the on the internet. It is too easy to forget or become complacent without reminders. We need to press forward while the momentum is still at our backs. As new information about religious cover ups, special treatments, abuses and misdeeds come to light, we need it to be shown to the American public. Make the "church" the enemy with their own deeds. We won't have to use lies as they did against us, their truths, their actions are much more frightening than anything we could manufacture. The LGBT community should be constantly reminding middle America what is really at stake: The American way of life, the pursuit of happiness and the promise of freedom from religious oppression. That is why this country was founded.


Sam said...

Amen, Brother UltraDave.

Steven and i give so much money every year to the usual GLBT organizations / lobbies... i really hope it is going to good use. I do share your hope that we are at a true turning point now.

We need to throw a strong, harsh light on this turning point, the same way the sit-ins and boycotts in the south illuminated apartheid there that the rest of the country did not agree with. Especially after WWII, most Americans truly saw African Americans as their equals--on the battlefield, in the factory, in schools..

I wish i could come up with the creative answer. "A Day Without Gay" back in December certainly was NOT it.

If we could brainstorm with Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Ghandi all all kinds of dead folks, what would they advise us to do??

We should write a play based on that premise.

Unknown said...

Nicely said, Dave. As the above comment, I was heartened at Stonewall II - all the rallies and protests immediately after Nov 4th. That was great to see and experience.

As to "next steps" - I think that is up to each community. But I hope gays and lesbians everywhere are strategizing about ways to be visible and vocal in 2009 - in their hometowns.

It is easy to march in Washington DC or to act gay in San Francsico. It is more difficult to have "kiss in" at your local mall or to write personal letters of your GLBT experiences to your local paper. But this will change in the USA locally. We have to get out there and be seen and heard.

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