Monday, December 1, 2008

Inside the Gay Mind

I know there is some debate whether gay is nature or nurture. I personally have never met a gay person, male or female, that chose to be gay. Granted, most of us aren't scientist, but I think if they would ask us what the majority of us thought about it, the answer would be "nature". All the friends and acquaintances I've ever had discussions with on this topic all tell the same story. Sometime around 3 to 6 years old, they realize they are somehow different, that there is an unspoken attraction to the same sex, that for that age doesn't yet have a name. Now, obviously, as one grows older, you can embrace it, or hide it, or even try to ignore it. You can experiment or even perform with the opposite sex, but it is empty and hollow. There is no satisfaction in it. The same would be true for heterosexuals. They can perform with the same sex but get no deep satisfaction from it. Just look at all the straight porn with lesbian scenes or gay for pay porn. Most of these performers will tell you they are only doing it for the money. That is great for them, but when a homosexual male or female goes against their nature to fit a preconceived norm they aren't receiving a paycheck or movie deals. They are asked to forgo their nature for more than an afternoon. They are asked to suppress an integral part of their nature to conform. There is no reprieve after the cameras stops rolling. No wonder so many gay people have addiction and mental health issues. When they are forced to perform day after day, year after year, in a role against their very nature,something has got to give. Nature seeks a balance. It will eventually rebel. Only then does the truth come out. Someone is caught in a sex sting, coming out of a gay bar, found beat in a known cruising area.

Those that think this a choice should try converting to being gay themselves. I would like to see the success rate of that. Even mainstream actors can play a gay role convincingly till the movie is done, but they still get to be themselves at the end of the day. The only thing we can choose is whether we are monogamous or promiscuous or celibate. The same choice heterosexuals have. Since sexuality is a continuum not an absolute, some may be able to chose one sex over another more frequently, but that doesn't change what is on the inside. It doesn't fill that deep seated desire to share one's life with another of their choosing. If marriage is to be sacred, then on that level alone same sex marriage should be allowed. The ensuing divorces that result when someone can no longer live a lie would preserve marriages as well. Nature is a force to be reckoned with. You can only control it for so long but you can never change it. Ask any hurricane survivor.


Sam said...

Hey, what a concept! Ex-straight, instead of Ex-gay! It has possibilities... especially for the "metrosexual."

Lemuel said...

If anyone doubts the veracity of your words, send them to me.

Java said...

Excellent essay, Dave! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue.

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