Monday, November 17, 2008

School Daze

I feel like I've fallen behind in my classes. I don't think I actually have, it just feels that way. I guess because the semester is winding down and the pressure is on. I still have a few big assignments coming up that I dread to even think about. The first one is due at the end of this week. I've got to devote a lot of time to it to finish it up properly. I'm not to concerned with grades. I know I will pass the classes even if I put the minimum effort into them. It is a source of pride to always have at least a B average, but I will take anything that gives me credit for the class after being out of school for 25 years. I just need the skill sets they provide. I'm not looking to graduate magnum cum laud or anything. Just give me the certificate and let me be on my way.

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