I scooped this meme from Ur-Spo. It was actually fun to do.
In this meme one talks about your house or abode, and the objects therein.
In this meme one talks about your house or abode, and the objects therein.
Favorite place in the house – The living room
Most valuable object– My dog, Izzy, followed by my jewelry
Biggest piece of junk – The living furniture, it is worn out but comfortable
Most beautiful thing – Two mixed media originals by Chuck Calhoun
Most ‘talked about’ item when others come to visit – A tin oil can craft piece
Most appreciated item – Izzy, my computers and my books
“If there was money…” – I would move
Most aggravating matter – Not enough space
The most “queer” object – A bronze statue of Pan with a huge erection
Oddest thing about the house – Me
Most whimsical object – I have crystal prisms hanging in front of the windows
Most depressing object – The backyard and lack of privacy
Most hazardous thing around the house – A Japanese katana sword
The object that evokes the most anxiety – The kitchen sink, it is always full of dirty dishes
the dirty dishes are why the statue below has that look on its face!
How nice!
I have the same Pan statue! - or had, til Someone made me get rid of it.
However, Pan sits contently by the pool now.
He is one of my favorite characters.
Ur-spo, I guess we both have exceptional taste.
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