Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where to Now?

Where do we go from here? The LGBT community, I mean. What went wrong? What do we do to correct it? I have a few suggestions. Some are serious others not. You decide.
  • Strip churches of their tax exempt status that contribute to political campaigns
  • Strip churches of their tax exempt status that preach politics from the pulpit
  • Boycott those organizations and business that supported gay marriage bans
  • Rewrite laws to make it more difficult for heterosexuals to marry or divorce
  • No longer listen to the Mormon choir at Christmas
  • No longer listen to The Osmonds in any carnation
  • Stop supporting inner city youth programs
  • Form our own state like the Mormons did
  • No longer listen to Rap or Hip Hop or Motown music
  • No longer support African American contestants on American Idol
  • Regroup and prepare for the next opportunity
  • Organize nationally for a real Gay Agenda
  • Organize a real Gay Mafia to deal with our opponents
  • Become proactive in all religious organizations
  • Hold straight couples to a higher standard on raising families
  • All 30 million LGBT citizens start a mass exodus from America
  • Legally define what type of marriage ceremonies are allowed
  • Start designing uglier cloths for straight people
  • LGBT service workers must give bad service to heterosexuals
  • LGBT citizens should stop paying taxes
  • LGBT citizens should stop spending discretionary income
  • LGBT citizens should stop being witty, intelligent and creative

That's a few suggestions of how we could react. Take from it what you will.


Sam said...

what we really need to do is find a way to stop wedge issues from working. Or maybe we should introduce some of our own. Love Kelly's proposal to END divorce for straights. Or how about we outlaw a couple's right to breed, unless they meet certain income requirements? Or maybe a stealth campaign to affirm the sanctity of gay sex, in which every single gay person has the responsibility of covering every telephone pole within a 4 block radius of his or her home with zillions of porn images. That one has real possibilities.

I heard Karl Rove is looking for a job. Maybe we should get him working on the gay agenda. he could really help us with a wedge issue agenda. i've heard rumors he might be a self-loather anyway.

Anonymous said...

First things first, we need to review our LGBT leadership and make sure they're not affiliated with religious or gay conservative groups.

One of the many reasons we lost Prop 8 is because the No On 8 campaign was run by former log cabins.

Second problem, too many of theh so called Pros From Dover bloggers were tepid, restrained; they didn't want to hurt their good relationship with those on the right side of the political circle.

Third problem, all those with blogs who could have and should have but did not.

Next, what you wrote.

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